Sunday, September 27, 2009

Proper Eating Habits - Focus on What You Eat


EAT BREAKFAST Make sure it is full of complex cabrhydrates, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables. The body absorbs complex carbohydrates slowly, providing more energy for longer periods of time.

SIX SMALL MEALS A DAY. EAT EVERY 2-3 HOURS TO MAINTAIN BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS DO NOT SKIP MEALS! When blood sugar levels drop, we experience hunger and many times overeat. However, blood sugar levels are regulated with frequent small meals, and thus, our satiety levels increase.

EAT PLENTY OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES DAILY! They are low in calories and packed with nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Keep fruits and veggies in a visible place so that when you want to munch, it is easy to reach.

CONSUME WHOLE WHEAT GRAINS AND BREAD Oats (oatmeal and oat bran) contain fiber, which increases satiety and is filling without calories.

DRINK PLENTY OF WATER Water is the BEST beverage. It contains 0 calories and hydrates when exercising.

CHOOSE LOW- OR REDUCED-FAT FOODS High fat diets lead to excess energy that is stored as fat and increase your chances of chronic diseases.


USE MEAT SUBSTITES SUCH AS DRY BEANS they provide protein without the fat of meat

CONSUME LOW FAT OR NONFAT DAIRY PRODUCTS SUCH AS YOGURT AND MILK Not only will you lose weight, but also you will lose fat and retain muscle, which is lean and burns calories.

CUT DOWN ON SIMPLE SUGARS ESPECIALLY REFINED AND PROCESSED FOODS such as cookies, cakes, doughnuts, chips and most snacks in vending machines. These foods are high in fat and sugar. Plus, because the sugar they contain is refined, the body does not have to work hard to digest them. This leads to weight gain.

LIMIT THE USE OF HIGH FAT CONDIMENTS, SAUCES, AND GRAVIES When dining out, ask for the sauces and dressing on the side, Instead of butter as a topping, experiment with lemon juice, vinegar, cayenne pepper, herbs and spices, or many other nonfat choices.

GET A BOX TO GO When ordering your food, ask for a take home container when your food is delivered. This way, you can put half of it aside for later instead of consuming the large restaurant portion at one sitting.

REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF SUGARY DRINKS SUCH AS SODA AND JUICE Instead of juice - eat fruit. It contains more fiber and nutrients. Instead of soda, which has no nutrients (except sugar) drink water or seltzer water.

SNACKING SHOULD BE PART OF THE PLAN make it healthful and low fat. Vegetables, such as carrots and celery sticks, are wonderful choices. Try topping with peanut butter. Fruits, such as strawberries and apple slices are awesome. Low fat yogurt can be a great dip.

USE THE USDA's (FOOD GUIDE) MY PYRAMID AS A GUIDELINE TO GOOD EATING Groups with daily servings: Breads, cereals, pasta and grain products; Vegetables; Fruits; Milk, cheese, and yogurt; Meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts; and Fats, oils, and sweets USE SPARINGLY! Eat a balanced diet - consuming a variety of foods in moderation.

WATCH PORTION SIZES This is a crucial factor in weight management as well as one of the most difficult tasks - controlling the amount of food we eat. A serving is a specific amount of food defined by common measurements, such as cups, ounces or pieces. The size of your food portions affects how many nutrients and calories you are consuming. Serving sizes are a lot smaller than the average american realizes. Reference the USDA's (Food Guide) My Pyramid for nutrition information on serving sizes.

WATCH YOUR COOKING HABITS Substitute frying with baking , stir-frying, broiling, steaming and sauteing.

REMEMBER TO EAT AND CHEW YOUR FOOD SLOWLY It takes 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain that it is full.

***IMPORTANT***: DO NOT deprive yourself of any food. If you must eat chocolate cake, do so - only cut a small piece (1/8th size sliver) just to satisfy your craving. Don't go overboard. As stressed earlier, do it in moderation.

Set realistic goals and expectations. Make a plan. Stay motivated. Learn a way to live. It takes time to make new habits a permanent part of life. By incorporating some of the listed suggestions, you will gradually develop lifestyles changes in food and physical activity habits that will last a lifetime and help to maintain your weight. It's all about attitude and behavior modification. Regular physical activity and nutritious eating go hand in hand.

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